Hyderabad: Speculations about Anushka Sharma expecting her second child have been circulating on social media for quite some time now. Neither the actress nor her husband, Virat Kohli, has yet confirmed these reports. Nevertheless, fans are almost convinced as a viral video shows Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma accompanying her cricketer husband, Virat Kohli, in Bengaluru, with a visible baby bump.
Following the viral video featuring the couple currently in Bengaluru, fans couldn't help but notice what they interpret as the "pregnancy walk." Anushka looks radiant in the video, donning a loose black dress with voluminous sleeves. Meanwhile, Virat Kohli is seen wearing a grey t-shirt and beige pants.
According to a report by a media portal, photographers had also spotted the couple outside a maternity clinic in Mumbai a couple of weeks ago. It is reported that the couple kindly requested the paparazzi not to take their pictures there, promising an official announcement in due course as Anushka and Virat have always remained discreet regarding their private lives.