Hyderabad: Anushka Sharma took to social media to express concerns about privacy after a video of her cricketer husband Virat Kohli's hotel bedroom surfaced online. The actor said that she faced a few incidents in the past where fans lacked grace and compassion but invading the bedroom space of a celebrity shows that there in no privacy at all.
On Monday, Virat took to his Instagram to share a viral video supposedly shot by one of the hotel staff where he is put up in Australia for T20 World Cup. Sharing the video, Virat said he is not okay with this kind of fanaticism and absolute invasion of privacy. "Please respect people’s privacy and not treat them as a commodity for entertainment," her wrote.
Soon after Virat posted the video, Anushka reposted it on her Instagram Stories. Echoing what Virat had to say about the incident, Anushka wrote, "Have experienced few incidents where some fans have shown no compassion and grace in past but this really is the worst thing."