Hyderabad: Actor-director R Madhavan's son Vedaant brought home medals for India after winning at the most recent Malaysia Invitational Age Group Swimming Championships. The actor-director on Sunday took to his social media handle to announce the news. R Madhavan also shared pictures of his son and his wife from the event. Several people and celebrities including Anushka Sharma, Lara Dutta, and others congratulated Vedaant on his win.
Taking to Instagram, Madhavan posted a number of pictures of his son competing in the most recent swimming championships. In the pictures, Vedaant could be seen posing for the camera while holding the Indian flag and his medals. In one of the pictures, Madhavan's wife Sarita Birje could also be seen. A close-up photo of the medals that Vedaant won was also included.
Sharing the pictures, Madhavan wrote in the caption, "With God's grace and all your good wishes Vedaant gets 5 golds for India (50m, 100m, 200m, 400m and 1500m) with 2 PB's at the Malaysian invitational age group championships, 2023 held this weekend in Kuala Lumpur. Elated and very grateful. Thank you Pradeep sir @media.iccsai @ansadxb (with heart emojis)."