Hyderabad: The makers of Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal are gearing up to showcase a specially tailored promotional video of the film on the renowned Burj Khalifa. With the movie's release drawing near, the makers have intensified their promotional efforts, planning a 60-second cut of the film starring Ranbir, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, and Bobby Deol to illuminate the Burj Khalifa and amplify the buzz surrounding the movie.
As the countdown to the highly awaited release of Animal begins, the producers are ramping up their promotional initiatives with less than a fortnight left. The film generated considerable anticipation through teasers and songs. In a recent reveal, it's been disclosed that a specially crafted 60-second segment of the film will be showcased on the iconic Burj Khalifa. Reports suggest that lead actor Ranbir Kapoor and Bobby Deol, who plays the antagonist, are slated to attend this grand event alongside producer Bhushan Kumar as a curated 60-second segment of Animal will adorn the façade of Dubai's iconic Burj Khalifa.
This strategic move holds significance as Dubai has been a pivotal market for Bollywood, with Shah Rukh Khan setting a precedent by showcasing glimpses of his films on the Burj Khalifa. Now, it's Ranbir and Bobby’s turn to captivate audiences worldwide with a grand display of their film on this iconic structure.