Hyderabad: Pre-teaser of Ranbir Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Animal dropped on Sunday. Animal pre-teaser got unveiled amid rife speculations around the film getting pushed to dodge release clash with Gadar 2 and OMG 2. With the release of latest promotional asset, the makers, however, confirmed that Animal will unleash on big screens on the scheduled date.
Animal pre-teaser hints that the film will be high-on-action and laced with violence. It will seemingly feature Ranbir in an intense role. Though the makers have kept details about the film under wraps it is widely reported that Animal is a noir gangster woven with elements of family succession drama. In the film, Ranbir will be seen playing a grey role for the first time in his 16-year-long career. Talking about Animal, producer Bhushan Kumar had earlier said that the film will also depict a "surprising dynamic" between Anil Kapoor and Ranbir.