Hyderabad:Ranbir Kapoor's family crime drama, directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, saw its first-ever drop in box office receipts on Monday. Despite earning more than Rs 60 crore a day since its Friday release, Sacnilk reported that the movie witnessed a 44 percent dip in ticket sales. However, the film still managed to break the record of Sunny Deol's Gadar 2 as Animal scored the second-biggest non-holiday Monday in history with Rs 39.9 crore on its fourth day of business. The Ranbir Kapoor starrer now aims to join the Rs 300 crore club within the next seven to eight days.
- Animal Box Office Collection Day 4:
Animal, starring Ranbir Kapoor, is having a phenomenal run at the Indian box office despite box office clash with Vicky Kaushal's Sam Bahadur. The Sandeep Reddy Vanga film made Rs 169.50 crore in its first weekend with an incredible hold in receipts so far. The film has made Rs 241.43 Cr in India in 4 days, according to early estimates, after taking in Rs 39.9 crore on Monday. The overall collections consist of Rs 63.8 crore on Friday, Rs 66.27 crore on Saturday, and Rs 71.46 crore on Sunday.
- Animal Box Office Collection Day 5 (early estimates):
The Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial is unstoppable at the box office. With the historic run, the film has managed to mint Rs 10.22 crore as per early estimates published by Industry tracker Sacnilk till the time of publishing the article. The film has, as of now, sold a total of 4,43,395 tickets in India alone. The early box office predictions hint at a total collection in the range of Rs 30 to 35 crore on day 5 (first Tuesday).
- Animal worldwide collection: