Mumbai (Maharashtra): When it comes to working with his son Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor, Anil Kapoor says he finds it difficult to shift gears between being a father and student of cinema, a situation he deals with by following the golden rule of "listen then react". Starting from his first film Mirzya, Harsh Varrdhan has taken an unconventional career path, including vigilante action drama Bhavesh Joshi Superhero and Netflix anthology Ray. He will next be seen in Thar, another Netflix film, alongside father Anil Kapoor.
The 65-year-old actor, who has over four decades of experience in movies with blockbusters like Tezaab, Ram Lakhan, Beta, Judaai, Mr India and Nayak among others to his credit, believes he will never be in a position to give a piece of advice to his son considering the uncertain nature of the movie business.
"I always take a backseat and listen, understand and then react. But sometimes I react like a father, because I am a father. But I am also work-in-progress like how do I handle him. Like, should I handle him as an actor or as a producer or as a student of cinema or as a father? I am also growing. I won't be able to pinpoint," Anil Kapoor said.
"I am work-in-progress because our profession is such, nobody knows what is right and wrong. Sometimes you do it because you love the filmmakers, the story. Sometimes it goes right, sometimes it goes wrong. I am also trying to understand," he added. Prior to working on Thar, the father-son duo had collaborated on the Netflix movie AK vs AK, in which Harsh Varrdhan had a cameo appearance.