Mumbai:Actress Angira Dhar, who was recently seen in the streaming series Saas, Bahu aur Flamingo, has been crowned IMDb's 2nd Breakout Star of the year. The recognition came in the light of her work in the Saas, Bahu Aur Flamingo which received a lot of positive response. The actress shared that she knew that the streaming show will prove to be the turning point in her career.
Sharing the news on Instagram, Internet Movie Database (IMDB) posted: "The star is out of the bag! 🥳 We're thrilled to present the IMDb “Breakout Star” STARmeter Award to @angira for her performance as Kajal in @disneyplushotstar’s Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo 🦩💛 IMDb "Breakout Star" STARmeter Award is presented to celebrities who’ve broken out and caught your eye, leaving a mark on not only your hearts with their incredible work on screen, but also your IMDb searches! 🎉 Psst.. it is determined by the pageviews of more than 200 million monthly visitors to IMDb from around the world! Don't forget to catch the Popular Celebrities Feature on the IMDb App on both iOS and Android."