Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Ananya Panday, who reportedly parted ways from actor boyfriend Ishaan Khatter, has opened up about how she deals with heartbreaks. The young actor also said that her mother Bhavna Pandey is her biggest support system in life.
Ananya, who is a big fan of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, has opened up about how she deals with love failure. Ananya's dating life has always been in the news. The 23-year-old has apparently found love again after her romance with Ishaan Khatter did not last long. She is yet to confirm her alleged romance with Aditya Roy Kapur, but before that, Ananya in a conversation with a webloid has revealed that the best way to deal with heartbreaks is to let all the emotions go out.
When asked how she deals with emotionally challenging times, Ananya said, "I am the kind of person who believes in going through all the emotions and letting it all out. By keeping our emotions in, we think that we’re being strong. We tell ourselves, ‘no I won’t cry’ but that suppressing of emotions always catches up to you sometime later."