Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ananya Panday is busy making heads turn whether it on the ramp or at a family function. After making a stunning runway appearance with rumoured boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur, the actor is now apparently busy with bridesmaid duty as her cousin Alanna Panday is all set to tie the knot with fiance Ivor McCray.
On Tuesday, Ananya arrived for Alanna's mehendi ceremony donning a pink pleated skirt which she teamed up with an off-shoulder bralette top. Ananya looked fresh as a daisy in a soft pink outfit. The actor was accompanied by her mother Bhavana Pandey at Sohail Khan's house in Mumbai. Ananya also obliged the paparazzi with pictures before she headed for Alanna's mehendi.
Earlier, the actor attended Alanna's bridal shower donning a white outfit. Ananya made headlines for her absence at Alanna's engagement bash last year. But for the wedding, she is seemingly making sure to mark all the occasions and be with the family as her cousin as she gears up for a happily ever after phase with Ivor.