Mumbai: Among the Gen-Y actors, Ananya Panday surely knows how to change the game! The 'Liger' actor is all set to play the lead role in Vikramaditya Motwane's upcoming cyber-thriller. The film is produced by Nikhil Dwivedi of 'Veere Di Wedding' fame.
Taking to Instagram, Ananya expressed her euphoria about achieving the big-ticket project. She posted a picture with the director where both are twinning in black. Ananya wrote in the caption, "Dreams really do come true! Fills my heart with so much gratitude and joy to be working with Vikram sir on a film!!! 'Udaan' has been my mum and my favourite film to watch together - so this moment feels surreal. Super duper excited to be collaborating with the amazing @nikhildwivedi25 on this one Let's gooooo team!!!!!"
'Udaan', 'Lootera', 'Bhavesh Joshi Superhero' fame director Vikramaditya is known for his aesthetic sensibility and unique approach towards cinema. A close friend of filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, Vikramaditya said, "This is a thriller with modern-day appeal and very relevant to our times. It's going to be really interesting to see Ananya Panday in this role since it's something she hasn't attempted before."