Mumbai: Wishes and congratulatory messages are pouring in for Bollywood couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor as they welcomed their baby girl on Sunday. After celebs extended their warm wishes, now, the popular dairy brand Amul has shared a new post dedicated to the new parents in town.
In the poster, a caricature of a couple can be seen holding their baby girl. The poster read, "ALIA Bhetti and Utterly Daughterly Delicious." Sharing the post, they wrote, "#Amul Topical: Star couple welcome a baby daughter!"
Alia Bhatt announced the arrival of her baby girl via an Instagram post that read, "And in the best news of our lives:- Our baby is here...and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love - Blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!!! Love love love Alia and Ranbir."
The Brahmastra couple welcomed a baby girl around 12:05 pm on November 6. Soon after Alia shared the news on her social media, fans swamped the comment section and dropped red heart emoticons and congratulatory messages for the new parents.
Amul gives shoutout to Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt baby girl WATCH |Neetu Kapoor on how her granddaughter looks and health of Alia Bhatt
The couple reached Sir HN Reliance Hospital in Mumbai on Sunday morning and the news made their fans quite curious. Soon after, their mothers Soni Razdan and Neetu Kapoor were also spotted arriving at the Hospital.
Alia has been frequently showering her fans with cute pictures from her preggers diary throughout her pregnancy. The power couple announced their pregnancy in June this year. The Brahmastra couple tied their knot on April 14, 2022, after dating for years at Ranbir's Mumbai residence in an intimate ceremony. Just after two months after their marriage, the couple treated their fans with such a big surprise.