Hyderabad: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who suffered a rib injury in an accident on the sets of Project K, provided a health update on Thursday night. The 80-year-old actor said he has already started working again. Big B took to his blog on Tumblr where he said there must be a desire and effort to mend despite the inconvenience of the damaged body. He appreciated his family and well-wishers for their love and care.
The actor also said that he was still receiving treatment for his rib injury and had not yet totally recovered. "Work schedules have been done and the charts start filling up again .. to the joy of the 'moi' .. for there is no better pastime than work ..Yes the rib and toe are in a state of revolt .. but revolts must be tendered with and a solution to be found .. and find we must .. we no, I," he continued.