Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday said he was recently rushed to a hospital here after he cut a vein on his left calf. The cinema icon, who turned 80 earlier this year, shared the news on his official blog and said he had received stitches to control the bleeding.
"A jutting piece of metal sliced my left calve and managed to cut the vein .. the vein when cut spurts out the red' uncontrollably .. but had the nerve to get the doc and so into an OT and the stitching up .. with the assistance of team of staff and docs in time..," Bachchan wrote.
"The throb is the control factor on KBC and it must be stated that those 3-4 hours on each episode, does take care of the... Its a little inoperative, but the will to continue in the similar spirit of measurement and tribe and class in range does give a hope and we cope... Its quite fresh and with opinion and advice (sic)," he added.
The Kaun Banega Crorepati host said doctors have advised him to not strain or try walking, even on a treadmill. "In admittance the medical to not stand, to not move, to not strain on it by even a TreadMill walk is not permitted!! At times the satisfaction of the extreme may bring the joys or the griefs of existence..."