Mumbai: Amid the buzz around their February wedding, Bollywood couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani ringed in New Year together. The lovebirds, who jetted off for New Year vacay on December 29, welcomed 2023 in Dubai along with producer Karan Johar and designer Manish Malhotra.
While Kiara and Sidharth have not shared pictures together, Manish has posted several images from New Year celebrations with the couple from their Dubai holidays. Taking to Instagram, Manish shared a picture which he captioned, "Wishing you all a wonderful New Year."
In the picture, rumoured couple Sidharth and Kiara could be seen striking a pose along with Manish and KJo in front of a huge Christmas tree. The Baar Baar Dekho actor looked handsome in all-black attire, whereas Kiara opted for a beautiful green one-piece dress.
Soon after the designer shared the picture, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. "#Sidkiara are best couple of bollywood industry," a fan commented. Another fan wrote, "Most loved couple sidkiara most good looking n made fr each other." "#sidkiara are looking so cute and adorable," a fan wrote.