Hyderabad: Amid pregnancy rumours, Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal stepped out for a dinner date. The couple sparked pregnancy rumours after they were spotted at a fertility clinic in Mumbai on Saturday. The duo was papped while walking out of the clinic in the Khar area of Mumbai.
The paps got lucky twice as they spotted Varun and Natasha at the clinic in the day while the couple was clicked at night as they stepped out for a dinner date. Varun and his fashion designer wife were all smiles as they made their way to the car while the actor chit-chatted a bit with the photogs. Varun and Natasha are said to be expecting their first child together, however, the couple is yet to announce the news officially.
For unversed, Varun and Natasha were high school sweethearts and entered wedlock in January 2021. The wedding was an intimate affair in Alibaug, Maharashtra. Due to the pandemic, Varun and Natasha's wedding held in The Mansion House in Alibaug had a tight guest list.