Hyderabad: Actor Ram Charan, in the midst of filming S Shankar's Game Changer in Mysuru, travelled back to Hyderabad to fulfil his civic responsibility of voting in the Telangana elections scheduled to be held on November 30. On Wednesday, the actor was spotted at the Mysuru airport, boarding a private flight to the city. While the film's shooting is currently underway, Ram Charan took a break from work to exercise his right to vote.
In a video shared by the actor's fan page on social media, Ram Charan can be seen escorted by security personnel as he makes his way to the flight. Prior to boarding, he posed for the paparazzi with the airport ground staff, exuding a contented smile. Ram Charan will resume the shooting immediately after casting his vote on Thursday.
His forthcoming film Game Changer centers around the politically significant concept of the electoral system. Shankar has a reputation for incorporating social issues into his films, and anticipation lingers regarding the subject matter he has chosen this time. The movie, which also features Kiara Advani in a leading role, is slated for release in 2024.