Mumbai: Pushpa star Allu Arjun and his daughter Allu Arha often take social media by storm with their adorable videos. Their pictures and videos loaded with cuteness scream of the fact that the father and daughter duo shares an amazing bond. Not only his charm, Arha has apparently imbibed love for fitness from her star father.
On Tuesday, Allu Arjun's wife Allu Sneha Reddy took to Instagram Stories to share a beautiful click featuring her husband and daughter. In the picture shared by Sneha, Allu Arjun is seen looking at Arha who is performing Yoga. The actor is seemingly amazed by Arha's flexibility and Yoga skills if the look on his face is anything to go by.
Tagging Allu Arjun on the post, Sneha shared the pictures with a "Good morning" sticker. While Allu Arjun is relaxing in black shorts with matching t-short, his daughter is nailing Yoga pose in a printed pajama suit. The pictures appear to be clicked in the garden area of Allu Arjun's home in Hyderabad.