Hyderabad: South superstar Allu Arjun's fans were in for a massive surprise as the actor was seen at the Sunburn festival in Hyderabad. The highlight of the event was Allu joining DJ Martin Garrix on stage. The duo broke into a dance to the super hit song from Pushpa-- Oo Antava. The crowd went berserk at the track and cheered in unison as the duo grooved to the peppy dance number.
Allu kept his look casual donning a black tee and black cargo pants. The actor had worn a cap with ICON written in front. He took to his Instagram account two share carousel posts, the first one with DJ Martin with their hands flung out in the air, while the second picture was with them facing the audience. Sharing the pictures, Allu captioned the post: "What a Funn Night . Oo anta va with @martingarrix . Hyderabad Thaggedele."
Allu Arjun also took to his story section on Instagram to share three posts from the Sunburn festival. The first one was a short video from the stage with dazzling lights, setting the right mood for the party. The second post was the same picture with DJ Martin Garrix, in which he wrote: It was a blastttt. The third one again was the same picture that he shared in a post with the globally recognised DJ facing the audience.