Hyderabad:Alia Bhatt, who will make her Hollywood debut with Heart Of Stone, has confirmed that she will attend the major Netflix Tudum 2023 event in Sao Paulo, Brazil. On Thursday morning, the actress posted two photos of herself on her Instagram profile, in which she can be seen posing for the camera. The pictures are from her closet, before heading out to Sao Paulo.
Sharing the pictures, she wrote: "No heart of stone here... just one filled with love... enroute Tudum Sao Paulo." Heart Of Stone is a spy thriller produced by Netflix and Skydance. The film stars Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan.
The photos shared by the Gangubai Kathiawadi actor appear to have been taken in her closet before she left her house. The first photo shows her posing in front of a mirror, making the heart sign with her hands. The actress looks adorable in the picture as she shows off her dimples. She is seen wearing a multi-coloured knit cropped top over a white tee and blue denim trousers.