Mumbai: Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt's maternal grandfather Narendranath Razdan passes away on Thursday. The actor took to her social media handle and mourned the loss of her grandfather. She posted a throwback video of her 'nana' from his birthday celebrations and penned an emotional note remembering her 'hero'.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Alia wrote, "My grandpa. My hero...Played golf till 93...Worked till 93..Made the best omelette..Told the best stories..Played the violin..Played with his great granddaughter..Loved his cricket..Loved his sketching..Loved his family and till the very last moment.. loved his life! My heart is full of sorrow but also full of joy .. because all my grandpa did is give us joy & for that feel blessed and grateful to have been brought up by all the light he had to give! Until we meet again."
After learning about the unfortunate news, fans and members of the film industry paid their heartfelt condolences. Filmmaker director Karan Johar commented, "Sending you a massive hug." A social media user commented, "Sending you and the whole family a massive hug ... sorry for your loss." Alia's mother and veteran actor Soni Razdan also paid a touching tribute to her father.