Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt, who will soon be seen in Karan Johar's Rocky and Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, dropped a behind-the-scenes video of her Tum Kya Mile shoot on her social media handle. The video provides fans with a glimpse of all the fun that took place during the song's shoot. Rocky and Rani Ki Prem Kahaani's schedule for Tum Kya Mile in Kashmir marked Alia's first shoot after postpartum.
On Tuesday, Alia took to her Instagram handle and shared the behind-the-scenes video with a caption that read, "My first ever song vlog is out on YouTube! Go watch now (link in bio)." In her YouTube vlog, Alia shared that the Tum Kya Mile song is basically the first thing that she was shooting after giving birth. She said that she had to get back in shape and was able to work out only after six weeks postpartum.