Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt often talks about her earlier struggles with body image issues. Recently, in an interview, the Heart Of Stone actor shared that giving birth to her daughter Raha taught her just how miraculous the human body is. She also admitted to once being self-conscious about her body and shared what advice she delivered to her younger self.
Speaking to a newswire, Alia Bhatt revealed that after giving birth to Raha, she was astounded by what the human body is capable of. She said, "One of the things I was so surprised by was how miraculous the human body is. How it supports you, takes care of you, and what it's capable of doing. It’s so beautiful and also, so much work." The 30-year-old actor then recalled being critical of her body and said, "When I was younger, I was a bit critical of my body, but this is what I'd tell my younger self: You have years ahead of you. Don't worry about the way your body looks."