Hyderabad (Telangana): It's been only two days since Alia Bhatt tied the knot with Ranbir Kapoor and she has already resumed work. On Tuesday, she was spotted at a private airport. Several clips and pictures have been doing the rounds on the internet in which shutterbugs can be seen clicking Alia before she heads to catch the flight.
Today morning, Alia was spotted at Kalinga airport where she was seen sporting a beautiful pink salwar kameez. According to reports, the actor is headed to Jaisalmer to resume the shoot for Karan Johar's film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. Alia was shooting for the film in Mumbai two days prior to her wedding. Ranbir too resumed work on April 17 as he was spotted at T-Series' office for his upcoming film Animal.