Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt is on cloud nine as her actor-husband Ranbir Kapoor's recently released film Animal is performing exceptionally well at the box office. Released on December 1, the film has already surpassed the Rs 70 crore mark in India. To celebrate this achievement, Alia took to her social media handle to drop a couple of pictures of Ranbir, leaving a heartfelt note praising him.
On Saturday, Alia posted two pictures of Ranbir on her Instagram account, where she praised him not just as an actor but also as a devoted father and husband. The first picture shows Ranbir interacting with fans during the Animal trailer launch event in Delhi. The second photo captured a candid moment between Ranbir and their daughter Raha Kapoor, as he was reading her a book. Although Raha's face wasn't visible in the picture, her tiny feet resting on her father's lap were heartwarming.
In the caption, Alia expressed her admiration for Ranbir's commitment to his craft both on and off camera, highlighting his patience, love, and dedication. She also praised him for being a loving family man and acknowledged his artistic growth. Alia couldn't contain her excitement as Ranbir made their daughter 'take her first steps today'. She concluded by congratulating him on his outstanding performance and making everything seem 'so easy'. Alia's words conveyed her immense pride and love for her 'not so little animal'.