Mumbai: Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt on Thursday showered birthday love on actor-husband Ranbir Kapoor, as the latter turned 41 on Thursday, saying he makes everything magical. Alia took to her Instagram handle and shared a string of unseen pictures with Ranbir.
In the first photo, which is a little blurred, Alia can be seen giving a kiss on Ranbir’s cheek. The couple seems to be sitting on a balcony in a high-rise building. The selfie is being clicked by Ranbir. The second picture shows the lovebirds enjoying a game at a stadium. Both are facing backward towards the camera, with Alia holding onto Ranbir tightly. Wearing a matching cap with Ranbir, Alia sports a braided ponytail and is donning a white tee shirt. While Ranbir is wearing a blue checkered shirt.
The next photo shows Alia flaunting her beautiful smile in a selfie, while she poses with a big figure of numeric 8 in the background. “Eight” is Ranbir’s lucky number, and Alia follows it religiously. Then there is a solo black and white picture of Ranbir from their wedding. There is also a candid photo from their mehendi ceremony, and the series ends with a close-up picture of Ranbir.