Mumbai (Maharashtra):Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar's first look from his upcoming untitled film has been leaked. In the leaked picture, the Khiladi actor could be seen in the role of a Punjabi character as he stands in a mustard field, a grim look on his face. Akshay had donned a striped light blue shirt along with a maroon turban on his head, which is typical of many Punjabis. The actor had sported a full-grown beard for his role as well, along with a pair of glasses.
The yet-to-be-announced film title, starring Akshay Kumar is produced by Pooja Entertainment. According to official reports, the film will begin its shooting in London. Helmed by Tinu Suresh Desai, this Akshay Kumar-starrer revolves around the story of a rescue mission from a coal mine. The intriguing look of Akshay is indeed quite intriguing, paving way for the curiosity to rise.