Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra and Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha's grand Indian wedding is just a couple of days away. The actor-politician duo is all set to tie the knot on September 24 in Rajasthan's Udaipur. Wedding preparations are in full swing, and now several pictures from the venue have surfaced on the internet. The couple's wedding ceremonies will take place at The Taj Lake Palace and The Leela Palace. As they prepare for their marriage, below is a timeline of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha's relationship.
Speculations about Raghav and Parineeti began to circulate after they were seen leaving a Mumbai restaurant together in March of this year. They posed for the photographers at one of their dinner dates in Bandra, who kept asking, "Shaadi kab hogi? (When is the wedding?)." They were then spotted at the Delhi airport several times.
One of the first persons to formally congratulate Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha was MP Sanjeev Arora. He congratulated them in March by posting images of them on X, formerly known as Twitter, and wrote, "I extend my heartfelt congratulations to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes!!!"