New Delhi: Director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s action-thriller film Leo is just days away. Seeking blessings for the film, Tamil star Thalapathy Vijay alongside the film’s writer Rathna Kumar, director Lokesh Kanagaraj, and the rest of the Leo crew, went to the Tirumala temple in Tirupathi, where they sought the blessings of Lord Venkateshwara Swamy.
Rathna Kumar took to his X handle, formerly called Twitter, to share a photo with Lokesh. In the photo taken, both can be seen wearing shirts and veshti for their darshan at the revered temple. Tirumala temple has been one of the biggest go-to sites for many directors, actors, writers, and producers in the South Indian film industry to seek blessings from.
Leo has been doing rounds for its promotions and has left no stone unturned. After unveiling some posters showcasing both Vijay and actress Trisha Krishnan in their avatars, the movie also released its latest track ‘Anebenum’ which was composed by the acclaimed composer Anirudh Ravichander who just recently got off the success of Jawan.