Mumbai: After breaking up with Raqesh Bapat, Bollywood actor Shamita Shetty's love life is again making headlines. Rumours about Shamita finding love again are doing the rounds of social media. A video of Aamir Ali planting a goodbye kiss on Shamita's cheek set many tongues wagging and speculations about the two dating each other went rife.
While the rumour mills working overtime, Shamita took to social media to address such speculations. Taking to Twitter, Shamita clarified that she is "single and happy." She also took a dig at society for its "narrow-mindedness." She wrote, "I'm baffled by society and it's convenient prudish mindset all across."
The 43-year-old actor further wrote, "Why is every action and every person subjected to scrutiny or snap judgement with no reality check? There are possibilities beyond the narrow-minded assumptions of the NETIZENS." She addes, "It's high time we open our minds to it! Single n happy .. let's focus on more important issues in this country."
The dating rumours of Shamita with Aamir started after the two were recently spotted at a party together with friends in Mumbai. In one of the paparazzi videos, Aamir was seen escorting Shamita to her car and giving her a goodbye kiss on her cheek.
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Shamita was previously dating Raqesh Bapat. The two fell in love during their 'Bigg Boss OTT' stint. However, the two parted ways after dating for a short period. Shamita also announced her breakup with Raqesh via a social media statement back then. "I think it's important to make this clear. Rakesh and I are no longer together and have not been for a while, but this music video is for all the beautiful fans who have given us so much love and support. Do continue to shower us with your love as individuals too. Here is to positivity and Newer horizons love and gratitude to all," she said.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shamita will be seen in Tenant, which is scheduled to release on February 10.