Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi is the latest addition to the cast of Rohit Shetty's debut series India Police Force, the filmmaker announced on Tuesday. Directed and produced by Rohit Shetty, the action series has been set up at streaming service Prime Video and is headlined by Shershaah star Sidharth Malhotra, who will play a Delhi Police officer.
According to the makers, Indian Police Force pays an ode to the selfless service, unconditional commitment and fierce patriotism of police officers across the country who put everything on the line in their call of duty to keep everyone safe. In the show, Oberoi will feature alongside Malhotra and actor Shilpa Shetty, who will also essay the role of a cop.
Taking to Instagram, Rohit Shetty shared the news of Oberoi joining the project and shared his picture from the show's set. "Meet the most experienced senior officer of our squad. Welcome aboard Vivek!!! #indianpoliceforce #filmingnow," the filmmaker wrote in the caption. Shetty's cop universe includes two Singham films, headlined by Ajay Devgn, as well as Ranveer Singh-starrer Simmba and Sooryavanshi, which featured Akshay Kumar.