Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Swara Bhasker tied the knot with Fahad Ahmad on January 6 under the Special Marriage Act. The actor announced her marriage with Fahad on Thursday via social media. After registered marriage, Swara and Fahad will now gear up for an elaborate wedding.
On Friday, Swara shared a tweet hailing Special Marriage Act for it gives love a chance. The actor further said that the right to love and marry a life partner of choice should not be a privilege. In another tweet, the actor also thanked her family and friends to shower her and Fahad with love and blessings.
Swara and Fahad will have a wedding celebration in March. The couple will have a 'shehnaii-wali shaadi' for which Swara is all excited. The Veere Di Wedding actor said that they are yet to plan wedding celebrations and she can't decide how "frugal" is going to be planning the wedding celebration.