Hyderabad: Popular Telugu actor Vijay Devarakonda on Wednesday appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the investigation relating to sourcing of funds for his recent film Liger. The actor appeared before ED officials at the agency's regional office in Hyderabad. The central agency is investigating the alleged violation of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
As per sources, Vijay is being questioned about sources of funding for the movie, his remuneration and payments made to other actors including American boxer Mike Tyson.
The ED officials had grilled film director Puri Jagannadh and actor-turned-producer Charmme Kaur on November 17. They were questioned about the source of investment for Hindi-Telugu movie Liger which was released in August this year. Mike Tyson also played an extended cameo in the movie, reported to have been produced with a budget of about Rs 125 crore.
Starring Vijaya Devarakonda and Ananya Panday in the lead, the film had mega shoots in Las Vegas. It, however, bombed at the box-office.