Hyderabad: Actor and former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen left her fans shocked when she shared that she suffered a heart attack and had to undergo an angioplasty. On Saturday, the actor went live on social media to let her admirers know that she is doing fine. Sen also thanked the team of doctors who helped her taking an informed decision and took timely action in nick of time.
In a live video, Sushmita also expressed her gratitude to the fans and followers who showered her with love and sent her good energy. The actor said she had to come live to let her fans know that she is recovering well and planning to return to Aarya 3 set as soon as her doctor allows her to do so.
Sushmita is known for her love for fitness. The 47-year-old often shared videos of her physical training and inspires many to focus on physical well-being. When news of Sen suffering a heart attack broke online, a section of social media was also of opinion that gyming and working out are of no use but Sen in her live session said that the active lifestyle did help her to come out of health scars not once but twice.
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Sushmita also thanked Aarya maker Ram Madhavani and his wife Amita Madhavani for providing the best possible atmosphere and protecting her privacy while she was going through the tough time. The actor also promised that she will soon be back on the sets of Aarya 3 in Rajasthan.