Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Ananya Panday, who made her pan India debut with Liger, gave credit to the film's director Puri Jagannadh for how her character is shaped in the film. Since her debut, the actor has starred in movies Pati Patni Aur Woh, Khaali Peeli and her latest release Liger, led by Vijay Deverakonda. For the sports drama, Ananya said, she relied completely on director Puri Jagannadh's vision.
"I went with the vision of Puri sir, which is so strong. Liger is a film where you have to have fun without inhibitions or fears. I spent a lot of time observing Puri sir because he knows the best," she said in an interview. Ananya said she feels grateful to have got the opportunity to be a part of a pan-India movie like Liger at an early stage in her career.
"I am grateful and lucky that they (makers) chose me as a lead in this movie. As actors, we aspire to reach a wider audience. I want to garner as much love as possible from this movie," said Ananya Panday on Liger role.
Ananya, 23, said working on Shakun Batra's Gehraiyaan acted like a training ground for her, an experience she has utilised on her upcoming film Kho Gaye Hum Kahaan. "When I started out, I was completely a director's actor and I loved spending time with the director and the way they had thought of a scene. I would go with that mostly. It was a great way of working," said the actor, who made her debut with Student of the Year 2, in 2019.