Hyderabad: RRR star Ram Charan seemingly knows how to balance work and leisure. Amidst his busy work schedule, he recently embarked on a tranquil family vacation to the enchanting landscapes of Alsace, France, accompanied by his wife, Upasana Kamineni. This relaxing getaway came at a perfect time for the couple, who had recently welcomed their baby girl, Klin Kaara.
Their French sojourn took them to the captivating region of Alsace, famous for its wine, cheese, and picturesque villages. While in France, Ram Charan attended a wedding and relished quality time with Upasana before the commencement of his next project, Shankar's Game Changer.
Media reports suggest that the actor is expected to return to India next week and will kickstart the shooting for Game Changer on September 13 in Hyderabad. Directed by Shankar, this film promises to be a high-octane action thriller. The entire shooting schedule for Game Changer is anticipated to conclude by November 2023.