Mumbai: Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra has finally responded to the question "shaadi kab hai" (when is the wedding), which was frequently asked by the paparazzi during her solo airport appearances or during her outings with politician Raghav Chadha. Parineeti has hinted that she is soon going to get married to Raghav after she reacted to her cousin Priyanka Chopra's post, wherein she congratulated her on Parineeti's engagement.
Parineeti has told her 'didi' Priyanka Chopra Jonas to prepare for "bridesmaid duties", cryptically hinting at her impending wedding. Parineeti dropped a comment on a post by her actor-sister Priyanka, who is fondly called 'Mimi' by her family. Priyanka shared some unseen pictures from Parineeti's engagement with AAP leader Raghav Chadha.
She also shared a congratulatory message. Priyanka had written: "Congratulations Tisha and Raghav... Cannot wait for the wedding! So happy for you both and the families so fun to catch up with the fam!" Reacting to that, Parineeti replied on Tuesday: "Mimi didii - bridesmaid's duties coming upppp!"