Mumbai (Maharashtra): Katrina Kaif was recently trolled by a social media influencer over her cooking skills. Katrina often shares pictures of delicacies that she bakes or cooks for her husband Vicky Kaushal. Spinning the same around, Instagram influencer Freddy Birdy posted a few pictures of "easy recipes" in the story section of his Instagram to make an oblique comment on Katrina's culinary skills.
He wrote on his pictures, "Easy recipes for @katrinakaif Chilly Cheese Toast (bread+cheese+chillies+toaster) (sic)." Taking notice of her mention in Freddy's stories, Katrina replied to the story in question saying, "This is not easy." Freddy took the screenshot of Katrina's message in his DM and again shared it in his stories, this time writing, "Why I (love, heart emojis) @katrinakaif. Also she is as funny as she is beautiful."