Hyderabad (Telangana): Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is the latest to join the list of supporters who have lauded Ranveer Singh's headline-worthy photoshoot. The Padmaavat actor has taken social media by storm ever since he shared pictures from his latest photoshoot wherein he is seen posing in the buff.
RGV, who is known for making startling statements, has extended support to Ranveer for his bold photoshoot. The Satya helmer has dragged gender equality into Singh's photoshoot which is being lauded by his peers but has left many irked including an NGO which went ahead to file a complaint against the star.
Talking to a webloid, Varma has said, "Think it’s his way of demanding justice for gender equality. If women can show off their sexy bodies why can’t men? It’s hypocritical that men are judged by a different standard. Men should have as many equal rights as women." RGV further added, "I think India is finally coming of age and I think this is Ranveer's statement on gender equality."