Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Bhumi Pednekar stole the show at Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani's wedding reception for two reasons. First, her bold style statement and second, a kiss with a mystery man that went viral on social media. Days later, Bhumi was seen partying with the mystery man who is reportedly her boyfriend.
On Sunday night, Bhumi stepped out in a beige corset top which she teamed up with matching leather pants as she celebrated her younger sister Samiksha Pednekar's birthday with close friends in Mumbai. Those who joined the Pednekar sisters for the celebration were Nysa Devgan, Orhan Awatramani aka Orry, and Bhumi's rumoured beau Yash Kataria.
Orry took to social media to share a string of pictures from Samiksha's birthday party. Bhumi and Yash are not seen together in pictures shared by Orry on Instagram Stories. The alleged lovebirds, however, pose separately with Orry in various pictures. Yash is said to be a real estate developer and builder based in Mumbai.