Hyderabad (Telangana):The much-awaited teaser of Adipurush was unveiled on the bank of Sarayu in the holy land of Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday. Starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh, Adipurush helmed by Om Raut has grabbed the eyeballs since its inception. Adipurush is among highly anticipated films hence buzz around the film is growing with each passing day. The mega-budgeted film is also grabbing attention for the chemistry between its leading pair Prabhas and Kriti.
During Adipurush teaser launch, fans got to witness Prabhas' sweet gesture toward Kriti after a video from the event went viral on social media. In the said clip, Prabhas is seen extending his hand to Kriti for support as they walked down the stairs. It certainly brought a smile on Kriti's face who is seen thanking the Baahubali actor.
The fans have even started floating the nickname "PraKri" with the initial letters from the actors' names. Prabhas and Kriti chatted, shared laughter, and hugged each other during Adipurush teaser launch. Fans have started making edits from the adorable moments shared by Prabhas and Kriti at Adipurush teaser launch.