Hyderabad: The makers of Adipurush unveiled Kriti Sanon's motion poster from the film on the occasion of Sita Navami. The motion poster features Kriti as Janaki, with the 'Ram Siya Ram' song playing in the background. The makers have been releasing fresh posters to maintain fans' interest ever since the movie's teaser was unveiled in October 2023.
The grandly staged film Adipurush, helmed by Om Raut, is said to be an adaptation of Ramayana. The movie will make its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival in New York before its theatrical release. Speaking about the same, Raut stated, "We wanted to portray the story of Shri Ram and the Ramayana to the young people not just of our country but of the entire world. Getting a chance to showcase your work on a global stage like Tribeca enables us to complete one of the targets that we had."