Hyderabad: Piqueing curiosity around Adipurush, superstar Prabhas took to social media to share the latest promotional asset from the film. The actor treated his fans with a lyrical motion poster of Adipurush's song Jai Shri Ram on Saturday. The makers have released Jai Shri Ram lyrical motion poster in five languages.
Prabhas took to Instagram to share Jai Shri Ram lyrical motion poster and wrote, "जब न जा पाओ सारे धाम तो बस ले लो प्रभु का नाम जय श्रीराम 🙏🏻 If you can't visit the Char Dhaam, Just chant the name of Prabhu Shri Ram. Jai Shri Ram 🙏🏻 #JaiShriRam lyrical motion poster out now in Tamil, Malayalam & Kannada."
Soon after Prabhas shared the video, his comment section was flooded with full video requests. Fans have seemingly liked the Jai Shri Ram lyrical motion poster as "goosebumps" is the most used word by fans in the comment section of Prabhas' Instagram handle. Reacting to Jai Shri Ram lyrical motion poster, a fan wrote, "Goosebumps issa small word," another said, "Waiting for the full video, while a user chimed in, "Waiting for 16 June."