Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan attended a book launch event in Mumbai with his ex-wives Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao. On Tuesday, a paparazzo took to social media and posted a video wherein the superstar's ex-wives could be seen bonding together and sharing a good laugh. As soon as the video was shared, netizens were quick to react to it. They had a good laugh about it, and many took a dig at Aamir asking how many wives he has.
In a video posted by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Reena and Kiran were seen standing together and laughing in a bookstore. When a paparazzo asked them for a photo together, Kiran, declining being photographed together, said, "Bohut dur... unka chal raha hai... ccha nahi lagta hai na? Unka ho jaane dijiye." Kiran cited Aamir's ongoing interview and said she will pose after it's over. As Kiran spoke, Reena looked at her and smiled. For the occasion, Kiran donned a blue shirt over a green dress. Reena, on the other hand, was seen in a long striped dress.