Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan has finally made an official announcement regarding the wedding date of his daughter Ira Khan and said that the day is going to be emotionally challenging for him. Recently, during an interaction, the superstar revealed that the event will be held next year. Aamir also lauded his daughter's fiance, fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare, for emotionally supporting Ira while she was dealing with depression.
In a recent interaction with a newswire, Aamir said that his daughter is getting married next year on January 3 to Nupur Shikhare, also known by his pet name Popeye. The 58-year-old actor is happy that Ira has picked the right person for her and then heaped praise on Nupur. Aamir shared that Nupur is actually someone who has helped Ira emotionally and stood by her side when she was battling depression.