Mumbai: Superstars Salman Khan and Aamir Khan on Friday night posed for a happy selfie as they welcomed Eid 2023 together. Taking to Instagram, Salman shared the picture which he captioned, "Chand Mubarak." In the picture, Salman could be seen donning a black shirt and black jeans. Aamir, on the other hand, wore a casual blue t-shirt.
Soon after the Wanted actor dropped the post, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. "You are the chand," a fan commented. Another fan wrote, "Two legends in one frame." One more fan wrote, "Woooo Salman sir you and amir sir looking handsome mashaallah 🔥 😍."
Meanwhile, some fans took the opportunity and demanded the sequel of Aamir and Salman starrer super hit film 'Andaz Apna Apna'. "Andaz Apna Apna 2 confirmed??," a user wrote. Another user wrote, "We want Andaz Apna Apna 2." "Amar-Prem reunite," a fan wrote. One more fan wrote, "Salman Khan aamir khan andaz andaz apna apna confirm hai lagta h🔥🔥."