Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Kangana Ranaut has targeted Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, whom she tagged as a "mastermind" for skillfully creating negativity around his upcoming release Laal Singh Chaddha, and that he made "Hinduphobic" film PK.
Kangana took to her Instagram Story where she lashed out at Aamir and asked him to stop "making it about religion or ideology". She wrote: "I think all the negativity around upcoming release 'Laal Singh Chadda' is skill fully curated by mastermind Aamir Khan Ji himself."
"I think all the negativity around upcoming release 'Laal Singh Chadda' is skillfully curated by mastermind Aamir Khan Ji himself, this year no Hindi films have worked (barring one exception of a comedy sequel). Only south films deeply rooted in Indian culture or with local flavour have worked, a Hollywood remake would have not worked anyway," Kangana wrote.