Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood diva Sonam Kapoor, who is all set to welcome her first bundle of joy with husband Anand Ahuja, celebrated her baby shower in London and she shared a few glimpses of it with her fans and followers on social media. Sonam's sister Rhea Kapoor and many guests who attended the shower were left impressed with the arrangements.
The sneak-peek showcased that the baby shower was held in their garden in London. It also had customised menu, napkins, and gifts for every guest. Rhea took to Instagram Stories to share a picture of a handwritten menu with her name above it, and wrote: "Such a beautiful baby shower."
A sneak-peak inside Sonam Kapoor's chic baby shower in London Rhea shared more pictures from the shower that had dreamy decorations, and a table filled with cakes and pies for dessert. The guests were also given an ivory bag and a neckpiece carrying the letters of their names. In the photos and videos shared, Sonam glowed in a pink outfit as she danced.
A sneak-peak inside Sonam Kapoor's chic baby shower in London The Aisha star's name was also written on the hand-painted tablecloth next to each guest's menu. Sonam and Anand tied the knot in May 2018. The couple announced their pregnancy in March 2022.
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