Mumbai: Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralitharan is all excited as his biopic film titled 800 official trailer was launched on Tuesday. Legendary Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and former Sri Lankan all-rounder Sanath Jayasuriya unveiled the official trailer in Mumbai. Written and directed by MS Sripathy, the film will be released in Tamil, Hindi and Telugu.
“I am very proud because they came (Sachin Tendulkar and Sanath Jayasuriya) and launched it for me. And also I feel that this project has been going on for last 5 years and now it has come to real. Hopefully people enjoy this movie,” Muralitharan told a news agency. Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire actor Madhurr Mittal will be seen portraying the role of the legendary Sri Lankan spinner in his biopic. The biopic is set to release on October 6.
Taking to X (formerly Twitter), trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the video and wrote, “SACHIN TENDULKAR UNVEILS TRAILER OF MUTHIAH MURALIDARAN BIOPIC ‘800’... 6 OCT RELEASE… #SachinTendulkar unveiled the trailer of the #MuthiahMuralidaran biopic, titled 800 [#800TheMovie]… #SanathJayasuriya was also present at the event. #MadhurrMittal - who won acclaim for his performance in the #Oscar-winning film #SlumdogMillionaire - enacts the part of #Muralidaran in the biopic. Written-directed by #MSSripathy and produced by Movie Train Motion Pictures and Vivek Rangachari, the film will release on 6 Oct 2023 in #Tamil, #Hindi and #Telugu.”