Hyderabad: Actor Allu Arjun headed to New Delhi to attend the 69th National Film Awards. The actor, who became the first-ever Telugu actor to win the National Award for Best Actor, was spotted accompanied by his wife Allu Sneha Reddy at the airport here on Monday. Allu Arjun bagged the Best Actor honours for his power-packed performance in Pushpa: The Rise at the 69th National Film Awards announced in August. Before Allu Arjun, SS Rajamouli and MM Keervani also landed in the national capital for the 69th National Film Awards.
Allu Arjun and his wife Sneha were papped at Hyderabad airport as they jetted off to the national capital to attend the felicitation of 69th National Film Awards winners. Allu Arjun was his stylish self in an all-black look which he jazzed with a pair of matching lofers and cool shades. Meanwhile, his wife kept her airport look cool in a sky blue crop top which she teamed up with a pair of flared denim.
Allu Arjun, SS Rajamoui, and MM Keervani will join other winners who will be felicitated by the President, Droupadi Murmu on October 17, 2023, at the Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The winners for the 69th National Film Awards were announced on August 24, 2023, by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in a press conference.